Lebanese Parliament API (nouwweb)


This is an API to query information about Lebanese members of parliament. The current data reflects the 2009 Parliament. The project is a joint effort by SMEX and Lamba Labs.

Important links:


The API is very simple to use and follows REST parameter conventions. A request to the API will return a JSON list of results according to the URL param string.

Users can either get a list of values such as the list of districts at the endpoint /districts, or search for a subset of members of parliament using the endpoint /search.

For example, here’s the list of legislators that have a mobile phone in the district Beirut I

curl 'http://api.openleb.io/search?mobile=true&district=Beirut%20I&prettyprint=true'

API details:


To contribute, fork the [github repo](http://github.com/openleb/nouwweb) or [raise an issue](http://github.com/openleb/issues). You can also suggest changes on our mailing list [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openleb)


Indices and tables